On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 03:45:45PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> Josh --
> ...and then Josh Kuperman said...
> % 
> % On Sun, Mar 03, 2002 at 03:00:12AM -0500, Josh Kuperman wrote:
> % > I installed mutt on my MacOS X (using the fink package version) and it
> Not to be persnickity, but did you put a colon first so that you put mutt
> into command mode?
> When you load your aliases file, just like sourcing any other mutt config
> file, what sort of output do you get?  Anything?

You are not being persnickity. I simply misunderstood the
documentation. As was wisely pointed out to me the 'source
~/mailaliases' command needs to be inside the .muttrc - so that mutt
executes it, or as you suggest, by putting mutt into command mode.

I foolishly was simply issueing the source command on a command line
in a tcsh source, which is a perfectly valid shell command that chokes
on the totally invalied (as far as being tcsh ) mutt alias file. 

I do wish I had read the documentation more carefully, but I suspect I
would still have been able to misunderstand it.

Josh Kuperman

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