Our IT group have just fixed the mail setup so that I can send mail to the
outside world...

On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 11:05:16AM -0900, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>     We also have a local linux user's group and a mailing list.
>     A comment was made to the mailing list that mutt was "handicapped".
>     As you may well imagine, that comment was not received well.
>     Is there anyone on this list that would like to contribute some
>     comments about the advantages of switching from something like
>     netscape mail to mutt?

In comparison to Netscape...

It doesn't provide that wonderful feature that when your web browser
crashes, it takes your mail program with it.  In the experience of my
colleagues (who are following the corporate standard of Netscape), they
get approx. 2-3 crashes per day.  Apart from bug #939, which exists in
beta versions only, I've never crashed mutt in 2+ years of constant use.

     193 dsmith     1  59    0   59M   36M sleep   37:11  0.56% netscape
   23068 dsmith     1  58    0 3616K 3176K sleep    0:19  0.00% mutt.1.3.27i.c
Speaks for itself...           ^^^^^

It is capable of running over a terminal (very useful when trying to read
your mail from an internet cafe on the other side on the world, using SSH).

Ever tried running Netscape on a remote machine displaying on the local
machine?  I've seen paint dry faster.

It is so configurable to be laughable.

It is positively speedy, despite running on a 32 MB, 486DX/2-66, with an
inbox of 2.5k messages.

It supports standards properly.

Good GPG/PGP support.

Yes, it doesn't have nice and point-and-clicky interface, but I don't like
them, anyway.

I guess the sort of people who would use a GUI file manager would use
Netscape mail (or maybe Kmail or something like that), and people who use
loads of xterms would use mutt.

David Smith                   Tel: +44 (0)1454 462380 (direct)
STMicroelectronics            Fax: +44 (0)1454 617910
1000 Aztec West    TINA (ST only): (065) 2380
Almondsbury                  Home: 01454 616963
BRISTOL                    Mobile: 07932 642724
BS32 4SQ               Work Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Home Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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