* John Buttery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [03-05-02 06:45] crowed: > > > >multicolumn output has not been implemented yet. > >one column is all you get for now. sorry. > > > >anyway, mutt builds up the list of all > >my folders in less than two seconds - > >and i have quite a few folders there: > > > > cd ~/Mail > > ls | wc -l > > 5290 > > > >btw: using 'm' to enter a file mask is a > >much more powerful selection method than > >displaying the names in multiple columns. > >and you still get to jump to some folder > >name by its index number. :-) try it!
he is showing you how many lines (folders) exist in his Mail directory. -- Pat Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535 Registered at: http://counter.li.org