On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 03:20:52PM -0600, tim lupfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> maybe i'm just being an idiot, but what is mutt 1.5.0? 
> i was not even aware that there was a 1.4 branch yet (a truth to
> which i will still attest).

"1.5.0" is the head of the CVS repository.  There is a 1.4 branch, but
Thomas said he was going to release a 1.3.28 first.


Daniel E. Eisenbud

"We should go forth on the shortest walk perchance, in the spirit of
undying adventure, never to return,--prepared to send back our embalmed
hearts only as relics to our desolate kingdoms."
                                        --Henry David Thoreau, "Walking"

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