Hello All:
  Now that I have your attention - I and friends publish a webzine:

    And we publish monthly.
    We also have a local linux user's group and a mailing list.
    A comment was made to the mailing list that mutt was "handicapped".
    As you may well imagine, that comment was not received well.

    Is there anyone on this list that would like to contribute some
    comments about the advantages of switching from something like
    netscape mail to mutt?

   If you do so, use your own judgement as to whether you want to
   send your comments to this list or directly to me.
   Let me know if you wish to be quoted or if I should paraphrase
   your comments. Feel free to be "colorful".

I'm putting together a march column in which I'm going to talk
    about my useage of vim, mutt, fetchmail, procmail, lynx, slrn, ncftp,
    and MC as my suite of tools, and I would like to user your comments
    in that column.

        BTW: Sven is a "contributing columnist" and we are always looking
    for contributing columnists. In the current issue, I write about
    mailing lists and mention mutt there.

Best regards

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