On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 02:33:35PM +0100, Volker Moell wrote:
> Scott wrote:
> > trying to color entries in the index matching on the from field, I use
> > the following:
> > 
> > color index blue black '~f (Person1|Person2)'
> > 
> > However, I get a 'parentheses not matched error'
> Try:
> color index blue black '~f "(Person1|Person2)"'

After much struggle understanding mutt's quoting rules I finally came up
with that kind of stuff, which works:

folder-hook =[a-z] score ~s'(\\\\[ot\\\\]\\|newbie\\|off-topic\\|your\\\ 
mail\\|(unidentified\\|no)\\\ suject)' -10


- quadruple backslash to escape a [,
- triple backslash to escape a space,
- double backslash for a an alternation pipe (non-escaped),

    ARICIE: Mais n'étant point liés par un lien si doux,
            Me puis avec honneur dérober avec vous ?
                                          (Phèdre, J-B Racine, acte 5, scène 1)

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