Kyle, et al --

...and then Kyle Rawlins said...
% I want to have two different sets of mailboxes (one for each mailing list) and

As we've seen, there's no official way.  I am interested in Nicolas's
patch, though.

Since you've already stated that you consider your mailboxes in two
different sets, what about just separating them into two different
directories or with two different prefixes?  You could then specify an
initial pattern and see only the pertinent half.

For instance, I (for historical reasons :-) dump all of my incoming mail
into =F.* and could simply change some names to* and*
and go from there.  Since the folders are all under $HOME/Mail, however,
I could also create $HOME/Mail/ and $HOME/Mail/ and have
procmail write to folders in there -- or not even bother to change my
filtering config but instead simply

  cd $HOME/Mail
  mv F.music1
  ln -s

and let procmail hit the symlink.  [In fact, this is what I have done for
some work-related folders that go under*, as outlined some time
ago on the list, and even for my KotLBJL and other alternate-identity
mail.  To wit:

  [zero] [7:05am] ~/Mail>  ls -lFd F* | grep -- '->.*/' | cut -c47- ->
  F.bulbs -> ../Hosting/
  F.mgm -> /home/mgm/Hosting/

There was quite a thread on mail folder organization a while back; that
might provide some interesting ideas.


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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