* Thomas Baker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Death, evil reverse-quoting Pine user!

> I have discussed this with my department's system support, and they
> point out it could mean alot of additional work getting my various
> hardware configurations (with docking station, without, etc) set up
> under Linux.  Rather, they suggest running VMWare on Windows and
> running Linux and Mutt within that -- the opposite of what you are
> doing.  Does anyone out there have experience or insights?

Win2K + VMWare should be fine.  You might also find VirtualPC to be an
interesting VMWare alternative.

> Also, I am assuming that the Urlview function would work correctly in
> the Linux version of Mutt, and that this capability is included in
> standard Linux distributions?

A small script and a Win32 command that listens on a socket and accepts
URL's would interface the hosted system with the native browser, be that
Mozilla, Opera or IE.

You could also run mutt via a SSH client (I personally recommend
PenguiNet because it's quite intuitive to set up and the MDI interface
keeps lots of SSH sessions tidy) and not worry about configuring XFree
and getting the VMWare drivers set up so it's not dog slow etc.

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  http://www.aagh.net/
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