This is something similar to what I've been meaning to set up for a while, and
your information looks very useful.  Thanks for putting it together.

One note: FM claims that the homepage for isync is at: 
which appears to be identical to the google cached copy of the page you link
which is down.  Since I've never used isync (only planned to) I have no idea
which is the correct home page, but the one from fm is in existance.


On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 03:25:25AM -0500, David G. Andersen wrote:
> I couldn't find all of this compiled together in one place,
> and since I just slogged through it all, figured I'd 
> write up a little story about how I (finally!) have a great
> mail solution that can handle disconnected mailreading
> without lots of extra imap authentication or security hassles:
> Two caveats:
>   *  I'm a mutt newbie.  My mutt configuration bits are probably
>      primitive and pathetic.
>   *  My mail needs may be unique.  I hope not, but who knows.
>   *  The little patch to isync is completely unofficial, hackish,
>      and may kill your computer, your cat, or your sanity.
> But anyway, if you've ever felt like using mutt, uw-imap,
> and isync to handle reading/refiling/deleting mail offline
> and resynchronizing with your primary mail store and you're
> security paranoid like me, it's my hope that this helps:
> I'd absolutely love additional suggestions for how to do this
> better, etc., etc.  Or feel free to say, "Well, duh, that's
> obvious and I've been doing it for years, take your page down."
>   -Dave
> -- 
> work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          me:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       MIT Laboratory for Computer Science 

What care I how time advances? 
I am drinking ale today.

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