On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 04:08:26PM +0200, Holger Lillqvist wrote:

> > > How can I create form letters on Mutt? Is that implemented? I have
> > > looked around but found nothing.
> >
> > AFAIK Mutt can't do this itself, but if you could always create some
> > sort of template letter with your favorite editor (I use vim) and then
> A better idea is to use mutt's handy resend-message function (bound to
> Esc-e by default), which lets you use any msg (including the headers) as
> a template for new messages.

Now, that is something I did not not think of! Excellent! That will do it.
Thanks Holger!


David Collantes - http://www.bus.ucf.edu/david/
College of Business Administration, University of Central Florida
"Two things are omnipresent in the Universe: Hydrogen and my Stupidity."

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