I fixed the problem with the quotes.  I also attached the python
script this time to make it easier to save.

I really need to better understand how mutt treats quotes and
backslashes to improve the script further.  What works from the
<enter-command> prompt from within mutt, doesn't work when sourced
from the .muttrc file.  For example:

score score "~s 'Selecting\ messages\ in\ \"my\"\ threads'" 10

works from within mutt (using <enter-command>), but produces an error
when sourced from the output of my script.  Here's what works instead:

score "~s 'Selecting\\ messages\\ in\\ \"my\"\\ threads'" 10

Note how all backslashes are escaped except for the ones preceding the

Can anyone shed light on this?


Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

Gibble, Gobble, we ACCEPT YOU ...

import string,re

watch_file = "/home/ben/mail/watch"
f = open(watch_file,"r")

line = f.readline()
while line:
        # Strip any beginning [listnamehere] strings, because they screw everything up
        line = re.sub(r"""^(\s*\[[^]]+\])?\s*(Re:\s*)*(?i)""","",line)
        line = string.replace(re.escape(string.strip(line)),"\\","\\\\")
        line = string.replace(line,r"""\\'""",r"""\'""")
        line = string.replace(line,r'''\\"''',r'''\"''')
        print """score "~s '%s'" 10""" % line
        line = f.readline()


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