Hi, Vsevolod, Thank you very much for your quick response. And it hit the problem!
I use 'md5sum' to check both downloads. mutt is OK but your patch got a different MD5. I download your patch again with Nescape and this time it gets the same MD5 as that you gave. I recalled that I downloaded your patch yesterday with Lynx - it didn't go to disk directly. It happened to be displayed on screen and saved to disk afterward. This caused the patch to have many changes in tab and space! Yes, just differences in white spaces. And this is why I could not identify it with the context, which looks OK in all places. Thank you again. I'm ready to try it. :-) best regards, charlie On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 12:24:27PM +0200, Vsevolod Volkov wrote: > Hi Charles! > > On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 11:22:17AM +0800, Charles Jie wrote: > CJ> Hi, Vsevolod, > > CJ> Could you help me identify what's wrong with my patching > CJ> patch-1.3.27.vvv.nntp? > > > CJ> 1. mutt-1.3.27i.tar.gz and patch-1.3.27.vvv.nntp are just downloaded > CJ> yesterday. > > > Here are commands to patch mutt: > > vvv> md5 * > MD5 (mutt-1.3.27i.tar.gz) = 88e7e61686b0959733ae3f7cadb07bce > MD5 (patch-1.3.27.vvv.nntp) = f7e96b2d1f7f72c40ec98cc6da5da889 > vvv> tar xzf mutt-1.3.27i.tar.gz > vvv> patch -p0 <patch-1.3.27.vvv.nntp > vvv> find mutt-1.3.27 -name '*.rej' > vvv> > > I have no rejects after patching. Probably, you've applied other > patches before patch-1.3.27.vvv.nntp. >