At 11:54 PM EST on February 20 Andre Berger sent off:
> * Knute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2002-02-20 23:49 -0500:
> > On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Rob Reid wrote:
> > > At  9:49 PM EST on February 20 Andre Berger sent off:
> > > > Is it possible to colorize the parent message of a collapsed thread
> > > > if the thread contains new messages? (color preferred: magenta)
> > 
> > > This is just a guess until some new mail comes in, and I haven't checked the
> > > manual but here goes:
> > 
> > > Put
> > 
> > > color index magenta ~N
> > 
> > > or whatever the correct line is for coloring new messages in your .muttrc
> > > *after* the thread coloring line.
> Sorry, I don't understand... Could you please give an example of a
> "thread coloring line"?

>From my ~/.muttrc:
# collapsed threads
color index      brightgreen    default ~v
color tree       brightgreen    default
> > If you also:
> >     unset collapse_unread   #Don't collapse threads w/unread mail
> >     folder-hook . 'push \eV' #Collapse all threads when entering
> >             folder
> > 
> > What will happen is that only threads with new mail will be uncollapsed
> > threads will stand out.  And the color thing above would make it
> > magenta, but needs to be:
> >     color index magenta default ~N
> > 
> > (Background color wwas missing.)
> > HTH
> No, I'm subscribed to some high-traffic mailing lists and would like
> to "set collapse_threads".

What he was suggesting (which was so excellent that I forgot that it might not
be a default) doesn't interfere with that.

I suggest using folder-hooks to set collapse_unread on those lists and

folder-hook . 'unset collapse_unread'

to take care of everything else, assuming you've done the sanity-preserving
thing and procmailed those high traffic lists into their own folders:

# Sort away mails from the mutt (mail user agent) mailing list
* ^TOmutt-users@

# ;-)

There are two kinds of egotists: 1) those who admit it, and 2) the rest of us.
  - fortune
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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