At 14:15 -0800 20 Feb 2002, Mun Johl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried another test and fired up mutt in dtterm instead of rxvt.
> dtterm displayed the umlauts correctly, so I don't understand why the
> characters get messed up in rxvt when I use the same locale settings.

Sounds like rxvt is using a font for a different character set than that
specified by your locale settings.

> BTW, here's the complete locale settings used in this experiment (but
> LANG takes precedence, right?):

No, LANG is given the least precedence, but that shouldn't matter here.

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [Samba] enables open-source fans to stealth their Linux boxes so
 they look like Microsoft servers that somehow miraculously fail
 to suck.   -- Eric S. Raymond

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