On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 04:27:21PM +0100, Manuel Hendel wrote:
> Actually I allways used ncurses with mutt. Some days ago, I upgraded
> to mutt 1.3.27 and compiled it with slang because this is default! I
> wanted to use my old muttrc but there seems to be some problems with
> the colors. Where's the difference? What's going wrong here?

I'm using Mutt 1.3.27 on FreeBSD 4.5-stable(installed via port with
slang). Nothing wrong with the port. "Wrong" is slang. In order to
display correct colors with slang you should define  COLORFGBG
environment variable. My .cshrc file contains the following (i'm using
tcsh as a default shell):

setenv COLORFGBG="lightgrey;black"

Also you should use "lightgrey" instead of "white" and "brown" instead
of "yellow" while defining COLORFGBG.

Read the /usr/local/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt and your mutt will be
white and fluffy.

Artem Okounev.

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