Le 19/02/02 ? 16:23, Manuel Hendel écrivit: > Is there a way to filter/split incoming mails into different folders as you > can with Netscape, or is there another chance/way to do so?
This is typically done with procmail on the server. You can search this list a little, it's cerainly one of the most frequently asked questions. Gerhard -- mail: gerhard <at> bigfoot <dot> de registered Linux user #64239 web: http://www.cs.fhm.edu/~ifw00065/ OpenPGP public key id 86AB43C0 public key fingerprint: DEC1 1D02 5743 1159 CD20 A4B6 7B22 6575 86AB 43C0 reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b')))