* On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 02:36:31PM +0100,
* René Clerc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [14-02-2002 14:33]:
> > % > Can you tell us how to do it? (without patching the source)
> > % 
> > % I guess not:
> > 
> > For shame...  There's always a way!
> As usual, you seem to be right. But I though Nicholas meant through
> some configuration variable or something. Feature request ;)

I knew that there is no configuration variable, because some time ago
I didn't believe that there is no one and looked in the source myself.

But I don't really need this feature (at the moment). Who should file
the flea for the FTS (FleaTrackingSystem)? :-)


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