Thomas, et al --

...and then Thomas Huemmler said...
% What I have noticed is, that if you continue a mutt directive in another
% line, you have to put not only a backslash (\) at the end of the line,
% but also enter a space before ( \). Sometimes I forget this and then I 
% always get some kind of visual effects.
This makes sense when you think about it; the backslash simply escapes
the newline and has the effect of sucking the next line up onto the
current one...  If you don't have a space before your escape and newline,
then it is the same as running two keywords together.

What many people do is indent their continued lines, which not only gives
a visual indication of two (or more) lines belonging together but which
also has the delightful side effect of adding the extra space that you've
noticed one must have.  How convenient! :-)

% What works for me is to /modularize/ the rc-files of mutt. So if
% something strange happens, I could /unsource/ the various modules and
% localize the misbehaviour more easily by sourcing one after another.

Excellent idea.  How do you unsource, though?  I can only figure that you
comment out the source line(s) and then restart mutt, no?

% HTH,
% Thomas


% -- 
% Thomas H�mmler * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
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