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* Daniel Sully ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020212 11:04]:
> Hi - I'm not finding the functionality (or it's hiding from me) of when I
> hit 'c' for composing a message, the ability to set a From: address right
> there, just like a To: and Subject: line is set.
> No, I don't want to just edit the headers afterwards, I want this to be a
> pseudo send-hook. I have a send-hook setup for when I reply to a message =
> comes in to a a certain address, but there doesn't seem to be an easy way=
> do that when I want to compose a new email *as* that from address.

Check out reverse_name to obsolete your reply send-hook. Also, I've
found it acceptable to just use edit_headers all the time for my
schizophrenic needs.

good times,

Currently seeking opportunities in the SF Bay Area
Please see http://www.doorstop.net/resume/
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it." --Beatrice Hall, The Friends of Voltaire, 1906

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