On 12-Feb-2002 17:31 Steffen Evers wrote:
| I have reported about the following problem on Feb 05th, but no one
| had a solution. For me, it looks like that this is not my bad
| configuration, but an unintended behavior of mutt (=> BUG). Am I
| correct or not?

    While what you're trying to do seems perfectly reasonable (to me),
    I don't think it's possible to modify To:, Cc:, Bcc:, or Subject:
    using a send-hook.  Well, yes it's possible, but you'll always
    suffer from this "current message Bcc is based on last message's
    send-hook" problem.  The (extremely simplified) code looks something
    like this:


    Your hook is being processed in process_send_hooks(), but the header
    modification (Bcc) is ignored in process_user_header().  The Bcc
    change will take effect for the next message.

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