On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 08:12:30AM -0600, John Buttery wrote: > error message > I'm wondering how I can print informational messages to the > messagebox in mutt. I don't know if this area has a name, but
.... > By the way, on a completely unrelated note, does anybody here use > "joe" as their editor? I like it a lot but its idea of word wrap > is pretty interesting sometimes. Look at the end > of the above paragraph, in fact look at the line right above this. > What's up with that? > > (BTW: here's a copied copy of the above paragraph after using joe's > auto-justify function. 72 columns my foot. :) > > By the way, on a completely unrelated note, does anybody here use > "joe" as their editor? I like it a lot but its idea of word wrap > is pretty interesting sometimes. Look at the end > of the above paragraph, in fact look at the > line right above this. What's up with that? I use joe. I believe that there were some text formatting problems with an earlier version. I'm using 2.8 and have no problems. I like it because of the familiar keystrokes (cpm, windstar, etc). I do wish it had a better macro language thou. -- Pat Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535 Registered at: http://counter.li.org