On 02:04 09 Feb 2002, Viktor Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| can somebody shed a light, why the following mailcap entry does not
| work?
|       application/rtf; lynx -dump -force_html <(ppthtml %s);
|       copiousoutput
| The command works fine on the command line.  It looks like process
| substitution (bash feature) does not work in a mailcap entry.

Loooks like that to me too. /bin/sh is perhaps not bash, or bash is
running in "no silly extensions" mode.

WHat's wrong with this?

        application/rtf; ppthtml %s | lynx -dump -force_html;

| Doesn't work either.  Unfortunatelly I can't use && to concatenate
| commands, because ppthtml exits with error level 1.

Then ppthtml is busted, surely?

Tell me why a pipe doesn't do what you want, or why you can't just
encapsulate the whole shebang in a shell script and call the shell script.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

Declaration of external bzero at block scope can yield surprises
        - IRIX C compiler

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