On Thu, 07 Feb 2002, Dion E Viglione wrote: > Hi, I'm using fetchmail to get my email from my > ISP, and reading it with mutt. I want to send > messages, but it says:
> Error sending message, child exited 65 (Data > format error.). > and I receive an email that says: > ...Domain of sender address does not exist > I understand that Mutt isn't like Pine, but I > thought sendmail can send stuff out...? Is it > Mutt that I have to configure or sendmail? Or > use yet another program to send the email out? Basically it's saying that your computer doesn't have a registered domain name. That's easy enough to fix. Add this to your .muttrc file: set from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" You will have to put your email address in, and it should take care of it. If you have multiple email addresses, you can use a send hook to set it dynamically as well. -- Knute You live, You die. Enjoy the interval! -- Clarence
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