
I have been lurking on this list for quite some time. I am at present
using mutt 1.3.23i which I had built from the tarball. I have now
downloaded the diff's for upgrading to 1.3.27. I put the diff's in the
main mutt source directory and patched the source. 

I got a few errors while patching, something wrt the .po file with three
hunks (of the same name) failing for each patch applied. I remember someone
mentioning on the list that these were not *essential* and so I went ahead
with ./configure which gave no errors. But, when I try make install I get
the following errors:
[root@farzaan mutt-1.3.27]# make install
make: *** No rule to make target `PATCHES', needed by `patchlist.c'. Stop.

I can't find a patchlist.c anywhere on my pc. I am using a stock install
of RedHAt 7.1.

I'm afraid my knowledge of programming is zero (I am a doctor of
medicine). So if some kind soul can please pull me out of this :-). I am
on a dial-up line so I would prefer not to have to download the 1.3.27
source in toto.


Dr. Sharukh K. R. Pavri
Mumbai, India.

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