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Alas! Jeremy Blosser spake thus:
> If I started quoting the right way at work, it would confuse people
> to no end... they wouldn't know where to find my response inside of
> Outlook's awful message display interface (marking replies inline
> with [name] tokens?  WTF is that?).  I had to hobble my copy of Mutt
> there to mimic Outlook's reply style as closely as possible with
> the existing variables.  There's a serious "when in Rome" factor to
> consider.  Or as the Apostle Paul put it... "I have become all things
> to all men, in the hopes that I might somehow save some of them". ;)

Hate to say it, but: sucks to be you, then. ;)

Really, though: this isn't a network, just one person to one person. She
can read proper quoting, so that's not a problem. She _wants_ to learn
proper quoting, so that's also not a problem.=20

The only problem is, she's a little slow, and her mail client doesn't
really want her to learn anything, so she probably won't without my

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
"If the current stylistic distinctions between open-source and
commercial software persist, an open-software revolution could lead
to yet another divide between haves and have-nots: those with the
skills and connections to make use of free software, and those who
must pay high prices for increasingly dated commercial offerings."
    -- Scientific American

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