My experience with hooks is that if you have to set specific mailbox hooks BEFORE setting a default. Try changing the order of the hooks so that the default comes after all the others. My o/s and version are as above.
John On 02/06/02, 05:36:23PM +0000, Patrick Colbeck wrote: > Hi > > Unfortunately I cannot get mutt to recognise the folder hook, no errors > are generated but there is no change in the index format. If I change > the global format even with a "folder hook ." then I do see a change. > > I am using Mutt on SuSE 7.2 > > Here is some of my muttrc (stolen from all over the net) > > set folder=~/Mail > > #folder-hook . 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15t (%4l) %s"' > folder-hook . 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15t (%4l) %t"' > > either of the two above work and change the index in all mailboxes > > folder-hook +Spool/mutt-users my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > folder-hook +Spool/mutt-users set signature=~/Signatures/bashq.sig > folder-hook +Spool/mutt-users 'fcc-hook .* +Outgoing/mutt-user > folder-hook +Outgoing/mutt-users 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} > %-15.15t (%4l) %s"' > > The above doesnt work in that ~/Mail/Outgoing/mutt-users gets the same > index as whatever is set as the default for all folders. > > Thanks > > Pat -- John P. Verel Living Proof That Low Tech Beats High Tech!