On Feb 06, Christian Ordig [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 02:40:48PM -0600, Kenneth Pronovici wrote:
> > I guess what I'm looking for is a way to sort by thread/subject/date
> > rather than just thread/subject.  It doesn't look like I can use sort
> > and sort_aux to do this.  Anyone have a suggestion for some other way to
> > accomplish this (other than just using procmail to put these things in a
> > different folder)?
> I'd be also interested in such a solution. I am using
>     sort=threads
>     sort_aux=score
> but so my mails aren't sorted by date anymore ... and new mails show up
> as first lines after opening the mailbox.
> I'd really like to see something like 
>     sort=threads/score/date
> or
>     sort=thread
>     sort_aux=score&date
> or which syntax ever seems usable, but having only 2 levels of sorting
> seems not enough ... ;-(
> btw. I am still using ... is there something like that in 1.3.x
> already and I haven't seen it, yet? 

There is not, but this seems like an appropriate thing to file a wishlist
bug for, using flea(1).

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