On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 06:58:10AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
>John, et al --
>...and then John Buttery said...
>%   Anyway, without getting into a technical discussion about locale
>% settings and GNU ls...if you want ls to sort stuff "the old way", put
>% this into your shell startup file:
>How about, still without getting into a technical discussion, a pointer to
>where to learn about how to play with LC_COLLATE to make ls do different
>things?  I'm interested in how to have directories at the top, just for
>fun, and how to ignore case in particular.

  There is WAY more information than any sane person would ever want
to see about locale environment variables (which makes it the perfect
fit for this group *grin*) at this URL:


  You'll probably want to scroll down to the section on LC_COLLATE; all
the LC_* environment variables are examined in painstaking detail there.

 John Buttery

       "You know, when I was in the Boy Scouts they told us the
         best way to get warm was to get naked, and get in a
        sleeping bag with someone else who was already naked."

                  "Well, maybe you'll get lucky and
                 it'll start raining sleeping bags."


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