Mike, et al -- ...and then Mike Schiraldi said... % % > % it, but i'd imagine it would be really easy to use this preexisting % > % functionality to look at all mailboxes. % > % > It already does :-) % % I guess we're talking about different things here. I'll try to be more % specific: --8<-- ... --8<-- % % You're saying that processing such an escape sequence would require a lot of % new code in mutt and take a lot of time, because looking for unread messages
Right. That's been the argument before. The general way (remember that we don't want to have to write any folderformat-specific code high up but instead use a generic function call interface) to check for new (unread, not-old) mail is to open the folder and look at every message. % is slow and hard. But i find that strange because mutt already has a way of % identifying folders with unread messages, and it uses it to pick a default % for the <change-folders> command. % % I use maildir -- perhaps that is why your results differ from mine? I read your explanation before pruning it away, and I *would* say in every case that mutt is behaving as expected and showing 'N' for folders whose mtime has been updated since you were in them in your morning overview -- and that the method that it uses to pick a default for <change-folder> is the same, not different, and not dependent on actual new mail. However, in light of your followup elsewhere in this thread, I'd have to agree that Maildir is somehow a different beast. Good luck :-) So tell me a bit about Maildir... When new mail arrives, it is written to tmp/ and then atomically moved to new/, right? Does it stay in new/ until you read it and it moves to cur/? If that's the usual behavior, when you e'x'it or otherwise don't sync your changes (like changing from 'n'ew to read) do they stay in new/ instead of moving? I had thought that all mail gets moved to cur/ as a final part of the delivery and that the MUA was not expected to find things in new/ ... HAND! :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/ Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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