Will, et al --

...and then Will Yardley said...
% Michael Tatge wrote:
% > Ken Weingold muttered:
% > > Is there some weirdness that may happen with mutt run from my home
% > > dir which is NFS mounted?
% > 
% > Since NFS's locking mechanism is broken, I would recommend using
% > Maildir.
% i think he meant that mutt itself is mounted on the NFS share.  i


% wouldn't do this unless i had to, and i can imagine it might cause some
% problems, but shouldn't be a big deal....

Eh?  That shouldn't cause any problems at all.  People have NFS-mounted
binary trees all of the time; who bothers to load a copy of every CAD
package on every workstation, for instance?

% if you don't have root access on the machine, maybe the admin could make
% you a directory on a local disc you could install mutt into?

Not worth the bother.

% is the filer something fairly robust like a netapp? in that case i'd
% feel a bit less weird about it... we have customers who compile and run
% stuff with few problems on our netapp (from linux client machines)...

You should be able to share disk from any sort of box for binaries; there
isn't even any worry about locking.

% w

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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