On 23:54 31 Jan 2002, Brian Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: | What I'm asking is, is there a way to query an external file full of | addresses in order to determine if the message should be a certain color | in the index? | | IOW, I'm trying to replace these (a lot more than 3): | | color index yellow default "~f feefee ~N" | color index yellow default "~f geegee ~N" | color index yellow default "~f heehee ~N" | | With one line that gets the list from a file (via grep?).
A wrapper for mutt? Which generates a line like this: color index yellow default "~f (feefee|geegee|heehee) ~N" Again we fall into the "things too rich for mutt" category. Idea: how about: an "eval" which ran a mutt string, eg: eval `cmd-to-make-the-above-color-command` BTW, to make an OR like the above one of my shell scripts goes: ptn=`echo "$*" | tr ' ' '|'` egrep "($ptn)" ... i.e. echo the words, turn space into '|', put in () and use. -- Cameron Simpson, DoD#743 [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/ My housemates have a "Dumbfucks Killed by Avalanche" thermometer next to the television. They're hoping for 30 this winter, and nothing seems to get them a-smilin' more than watching the 10:00 news and grabbing that red magic marker. - Dan Hillman