* Rob 'Feztaa' Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-10-01 20:15 -0700]: > Alas! Andreas Reinhold spake thus: > > On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 07:59:59PM -0500, Justin R. Miller wrote: > > > macro pager d "<save-message>=trash<enter>" "move message to trash folder" > > > > Thanks, this really works fine! > > Unless you happen to try to delete a message in the trash folder, then > things get really goofy :)
I haven't tested it with these macros, but when I save a message to the same folder it's in, it deletes the original message and appends the message to the mailbox (so it immediately appears in the index). Nothing goofy about it. -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] / DNRC / UMBC-LUG: http://linux.umbc.edu PGP: ID: D8C75CF5 print: 0A7D B3AD 2D10 1099 7649 AB64 04C2 05A6 --- -- Any system of 'justice' in which ignorance of the law is no exception, but in which there are too many laws for any one person to know and remember, _is by definition unjust_. -- "McCandlish's Law of Unjust Bureaucracy", Stanton McCandlish, EFF online activist; 1993. ---- --- --