I just built and installed Mutt 1.3.27i.  I have iconv 
in my C library with all MIME character set names supported.
I'm running mutt in a UTF-8 xterm with my LC_* variables all set
to "en_US.utf8."  Given this setup and the new iconv support, my
expectation was that when I displayed a Latin-1 message (marked
as such in the Content-Type: header via "charset=ISO-8859-1") mutt
would convert it from Latin-1 to UTF-8 so it would display properly in
my terminal window.  But it's not doing so - it's just outputting
the bytes from the message with no conversion.

Could anyone tell me what I'm missing?


Mark REED                    | CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW1032C      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atlanta, GA 30348      USA   | +1 404 827 4754 
Every path has its puddle.

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