> > With
> >   set query_command="lbdbq %s"    # calling lbdbq
> >   macro alias Q "!lbdbq ."        "lbdb query"

> How do you use your "Q" macro?  I tried "!lbdb ." from the alias menu
> and couldn't figure out what to do with the result, short of copying and
> pasting a line.  It would seem more useful to do an address query
> directly instead of going to the alias menu first.

Er... Well... Now that you say this... I don't know! In fact I just
pasted one setup I made long ago, but now can't remember what its
rationale was. Indeed, it does not seem really useful. Ok, removed!

> > in your muttrc and the following recipe on top of your procmailrc,
> >   :0hc
> >      | lbdb-fetchaddr
> > 
> > Very convenient when you don't recall the exact name.

> I don't really want _everyone's_ address, so instead of a procmail
> recipe I've been using the following macros:

>     macro index A ":unset wait_key\n|lbdb-fetchaddr\n:set wait_key\n" "add address 
>to lbdb database"
>     macro pager A ":unset wait_key\n|lbdb-fetchaddr\n:set wait_key\n" "add address 
>to lbdb database"

Now, _that_'s an interesting one.

But in fact, even with thousands of addresses filled by the procmail
recipe, I still find the use of lbdb convenient: there's not that many
people sharing the same name, and I don't bother if there's a little
more than the people I was searching for in the results.

The problem with adding only one person at a time (like with the
aliases), is that when making a query I often find that... well, I
forgot to add this folk.
Eventually, to remediate this, you find yourself hitting 'A' a lot more
than needed because you're not sure if this person is in the db. Thus,
just in case...
I think, I'll keep my good old procmail recipe.  :)


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