While discussing the real reasons to fight HTML email, people said:

>> Off-topic meandering:
>> I think it would be lovely to automatically compress all email before
>> sending and have it opened on the other end,
>Gzip your message body and you'll probably find half of mutt-users have
>it decompressed and viewed automatically :)
>> but also costs processing power to package up and then open up
>> the item.  For those on a dialup link, though, it could be a real
>> blessing.
>I think it would be rather better for them if they could grab their
>entire mailspool gzipped; most of the time it takes to download email

Actually, at least when dealing with many mailing lists, the real
problem is that there are whole huge threads that one's could not care
less about. And they are NOT spam that a procmail recipe can stop.
For example, you have only EIDE disks, and people on your distro list start
discussing for days and hundreds of messages how to deal with SCSI

In such cases the real solution (to save your time, and at least the
bandwidth from the POP server to you) is, for any MUA/OS combination:

        1) (as soon as you see an uninteresting thread start) 
        2) mark it in your MUA so that
        3) next time you connect to the POP server
        4) all replies are destroyed *instead* of downloaded
        5) before fetchmail or whatever you use picks the rest up

see http://web.tiscali.it/marco_web/popfilter.html for a simple
Perl script and Mutt macros to do this, and give feedback please.
Other more sophisticated and more maintained tools for the same
purpose are animail, mailfilter and popsneaker (check on Freshmeat)

ANy feedback/success story/config file is appreciated.
(even partners to develop popfilter further!)

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