* Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020127 15:55]:
> I have one mailbox that has A LOT of messages in it, as in
> quite a few thousand.  It is in mbox format.  For mutt to open
> it as quickly as possible, it is dependent on processor speed?
no.   mutt works independently of procesor speed.
actually, it does not need any RAM or disk space.

and if you believe that then you'll believe anything. ;-)

> I moved my mail to a friend's server which has some really old
> hardware, and it takes a long time to open this mailbox, plus
> a few times it has simply stopped while opening it and
> I had to kill off the mutt process and open it again.

check the locking method of mutt and your machine.

Sven  [using mutt-1.3.27 - opening mutt folder
with 39,000+ messges in less than a minute.]

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