> > > 2.  I got tired of explaining text-only MUAs to them only to
> > >     receive comments like, "I guess Unix isn't very good if it
> > >     can't even display different colors and fonts like my PC can.
> > .....What do you say to comments like that? There's
> > no point, they'll never get it :(
As already said, you tell them that they are looking at the wrong problem (and an 
unexistent one, as any kmail screehshot will show).
Text MUAs and Operating system have nothing to do with this.

You must answer that displaying fonts and colors in EMAIL (not word
processing, that's a different topic) is BAD even on windows, and
the worst form of bad manners, because it slows downs unnecessarily
ALL internet traffic, AND forces the receiver to waste HIS money and
time (even on windows!) to look at somebody else's idea of nice

You must answer that it's like mailing a letter inside a three pounds
box ... at the expense of the receiver.

Never talk about text muas and operating systems when fighting HTML
mail, point out that it's bad EVEN for outlook/windows users. They
don't get it, and most times, actually, it's not their fault.


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