On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> FWIW, I just did some testing using mutt 1.3.25i on my Athlon 800 MHz,
> 786 MB RAM, and a IBM DDRS-39130W SCSI UW hard drive running reiserfs.
> The Maildir/mbox I tested, had 84.533 messages and about 321 MB.
> Opening the mbox beast took 2:53 minutes, while opening the same
> converted to Maildir (with mutt) took more than 25 minutes.  Go
> figure...

A little different on my system, the mailbox I tested had 13028 emails,
and was only fairly small, 36 meg.  On a MAXTOR 6L040J2 running over
ata66 on a reiser partition.  Athlon 1000MHz, with 384MB ram.

mbox 2.88s user 0.25s system 93% cpu 3.357 total

maildir 3.10s user 0.82s system 94% cpu 4.014 total

Don't know why but for me there isn't much of a difference between them,
everyone else seems to be getting a big difference.  I was however
surprised with the cpu use.  Looks like both are fairly heavy on my
system.  The times are fairly average, I ran it a few times and it made
little difference, around 0.05s, and not much difference to the cpu

All generalizations are false, including this one. -- Mark Twain
David Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | David Clarke <s3353950>
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