I've a really curious problem with mutt. When I compose a new mail mutt asks for the recipient (To:) and for the Subject in the last line of my screen. If I enter a value here and mistype something and use the delete-button to correct this issue, the cursor is moving funny.
lets say: (* indicates current cursor-pos) Subject: 1234567890123456790* I press the del-key 7 times and have Subject: 1234567890123* Then I press del del-key again and get: Subject: 1234567890123 * If I press enter now the acceptes Subject is nevertheless "Subject: 123456789012" which is correct, so only the display is weird. This makes me cracy, cause if you mistype an emailadress you cant correct it, cause you never know where the cursor is now .... mutt 1.3.23 - dont have any problem like this with any other terminalapplication. thnx, peter