* Cameron Simpson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> | > Anyone have ideas on how to get this to work? (NOTE: my home machine
> | > uses BASH and I'm using tcsh here at work if that makes any difference).
> | 
> | That's the problem, the `for file in...` bit is run with whatever your
> | default shell is, and that's won't work in tcsh, since it's bash (well, sh)
> | syntax. Maybe you'd have to figure out the tcsh syntax, or write a
> | small bash script to call instead of the bash command directly (like I
> | do with my getfolders script).
> Or set $SHELL to /bin/sh (or bash, if present) in a wrapper around mutt
> when invoking it.

well, even running BASH and then running mutt does not seem to solve the

I will try to create a tcsh version or just add it to mutt's mailboxes
command manually since I don't watch that many lists.

Carl B. Constantine             University of Victoria
Programmer Analyst              http://www.uvic.ca
UNIX System Administrator       Victoria, BC, Canada

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