On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Nick Wilson wrote:

> Certainly seems to be it although I'm having a little trouble getting it
> to work. I keep getting a 'error missing parameter in line 316' (first
> line of the code below)

> send-hook . "my_hdr Reply-To: Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> send-hook ~t "[EMAIL PROTECTED] set my_hdr Reply-To: Mutt-Users 

> Any thought?

> Thanks

You have your quotes in the wrong place.  Try this:
        send-hook ~[EMAIL PROTECTED] "my_hdr Reply-To: Mutt-Users
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

They way you had it, was telling mutt to only look in the to field for
the entire string, and no command.

You live, You die.  Enjoy the interval!
        -- Clarence

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