On 2002.01.19, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Thomas Hurst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Michael Elkins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Hanspeter Roth wrote:
> > > Some mailinglists prefix every subject with the name of the list.
> > > Is it possible to suppress this prefix in the index_format? How?  Or
> > > is this a case for procmail?
> >
> > It's more efficient to do it with procmail since you only have to do
> > the operation once at delivery time.
> Some of us are alergic to subject mangling like this (and there's no
> knowing what the mailing list will do if we strip it entirely); and

Unfortunately, there's no knowing what the list will do if you keep it,
either. Some of them misbehave then, too. So I strip it; the lists

I strip the labels on such messages as they arrive in my inbox, copying
the original Subject: to Old-Subject:, but I keep the pristine message
in the list archive's copy of the message. My procmail also copies a
short expression identifying the list to the X-Label: header of my
inbox, so that my index display shows it, and I can easily search on it,
etc., without having the awful mess in the subject line itself.

I also take out the [2] in Re[2]: prefixes.

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

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