can anybody tell me how to keep threads collapsed when new mail arrives in a mailbox?
say, i am looking at the mailbox index. all the threads are collapsed. as soon as new mail arrives, the thread receiving the new mail gets un-collapsed ... which is highly annoying. i am using mutt 1.3.25i on freebsd 4.5-prerelease. below is some of the muttrc, hopefully w/ least of the irrelevant portion... # threading options set duplicate_threads=yes set hide_missing=yes set thread_received=no # set strict_threads=no set collapse_unread=yes set uncollapse_jump=yes # sorting set sort_alias=alias set sort_browser=reverse-date set sort=threads #set sort=reverse-threads set sort_aux=last-date-received set sort_re=yes ... # collapse all threads in any folder folder-hook . 'push \eV' thanks much. - parv --