At 03:20 -0800 18 Jan 2002, Todd Kokoszka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ... while talking to
> <<< 554 Mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] rejected
> for policy reasons.

At 01:39 +0000 19 Jan 2002, Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 Todd Kokoszka spewed into the ether:
> [-- snip --]
> > The original message was received at Fri, 18 Jan 2002
> > 12:22:22 +0100
> > from kokoszka@localhost
>                 ^^^^^^^^^
> Maybe that is the reason.

No, that's just his local MTA listing where it got the message from.
There's likely no way to change the value there, since it would likely
always use the login name of the invoking user, and "localhost" since
it's getting the message from a pipe rather than via SMTP.

This value would not be passed to the recipient's mail server in anyway.
Actually, it might be sent in a Received: header, but the message is
rejected before the local MTA has a chance to send any of the headers.

> Try setting 'envelope_from' in your muttrc.

The envelope from is already being set fine (at least it's not obiously
wrong, and is in a domain that exists).  See the "MAIL From:" line
quoted in the original message.

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The "data" for most coffee URIs contain no caffeine.  -- RFC 2324

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