
On Thu, 17 Jan 2002 Michael Montagne spewed into the ether:
> I was just reading about grepmail and was led to a wrapper for it
> specifically for mutt called grepm.  Sounds like something that might be
> neat. After installing the software, how do I implement it in mutt?  
> thanks.

I have this in my muttrc :

macro generic <f7> "<shell-escape>~/.mutt/grepm.sh "

So, when I hit <f7>, it waits for a pattern. Once I enter the pattern,
and hit <enter>, it dumps all matching messages into a temporary
mailbox, and calls mutt on that mailbox. 

It's a beauty, IMHO :-)

Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You just wait, I'll sin till I blow up!
                -- Dylan Thomas

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