On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 04:05:51PM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Charles Jie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Fix the bug by replacing the 'poll' with 'wait' in
> > /usr/lib/getmail/getmail.py.
> >
> > Now my getmail does a good job.
> Noted.  Will include in next release.  Why is procmail taking so long
> for you, though?
procmail takes long? See below. The 'second' didn't tick.

18_Jan_2002_18:30:26_-0000 retrieved message "3939610e6c2e596fee8bb ...
18_Jan_2002_18:30:26_-0000 new message "<20020118175350.A18044@pc3. ...
18_Jan_2002_18:30:26_-0000 Aborting... (command "/usr/bin/procmail  ...

BTW: the Greenwich time in log doesn't make sense. Please change to
locale. My mail fetcher should stay beside me, instead of fooling around
in the world. :)

> >     I've tried to use maildrop other than procmail, while having the
> >     following log message:
> >
> > Aborting... (command "/usr/bin/maildrop ~/.maildroprc" returned 19200 (maildrop: 
>signal 0x06))
> >
> >     I can not explain the 'returned 19200'. For someone's exercise. ;-)
> It's the exit code and the signal, encoded in a standard format.  It's
> not just the exit code.

Really? That's beyond my knowledge. Pleae cite me for further info.

In bash(1), the parent process can only get either exit code or signal
from child process, not both. For the latter case, it will get 127+N (N
is signal).

I need further document to trouble-shoot the big returned value '19200'.


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