> i was thinking about counting every single > mail i send and get. kind of silly statistics > that could amaze me when i'm 70.
Take a look at mail2clf which creates a log-file of mail-messages it gets. So you could pipe all incoming mails through it to get a log of the incoming messages. And if you save all outgoing messages to sent-mail, you could start a cronjob every night to pipe them through mail2clf (with another logfile) and save them to another file (so as not to count them twice). And when you are 70 and you still have your maillogs, you can run those statistic-tools over this files to create statistics, from whom you got mail, when you wrote most of your mails and so on... Just a suggestion. CLF btw are Common Log Files normally written by webservers to get the hits on your server. But just take a look at it. Works great for me... :) http://www.merten-home.de/FreeSoftware/mail2clf/ -- cu --== Jerri ==-- Homepage: http://www.jerri.de/ ICQ: 54160208
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