At some point hitherto, Knute hath spake thusly:
> On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Carl B . Constantine wrote:
> >
> >Some nut is actually using Outlook for this list. I just got an email in
> >response to one I posted from [EMAIL PROTECTED] that had a virus
> >attached to it (.mp3.pif).
> LOL... That's not even a virus,  it's a shortcut to the executable!

A recent outlook virus uses this method to do its damage -- I believe
it's either a Nimda or Sircam variant.  It spreads via the usual
method (outlook address book).  I don't recall the details, but it
appends one of four extensions, one of which is .pif, to the name of a
random file on the victim's system, and then uses that name to send
out a copy of itself. 

And remember also, even if it is just a .pif file, shortcuts can
contain arguments, so it could be something like del *.* or other
damaging command.  Outlook can be tricked to automatically open such
things and do damage to your system.

Using outlook is just a bad, bad idea.

If you really want the details, look up Sircam and Nimda at one of the
antivirus vendors' sites.  One of those two is the culprate.  it's
generally accompanied by a message that says "I send you this file to
have your advice."

Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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