Peter --

Did you ever get an answer to this question?

...and then Peter Mann said...
% Heyaaa!!!
% i'm using open-hook with .gz (compressed mboxes), but now i need use
% open-hook with tar.gz (compressed maildirs)
% i try put into my muttrc:
% open-hook \\.tar.gz$ "mkdir %t.pokus; tar xpfz %f -C %t.pokus; mv 
%t.pokus/.[a-zA-Z0-9]* %t"
% which is fine for maildir starting with . (dot) - IMAP directories
% for directories starting without . (dot):
% open-hook \\.tar.gz$ "mkdir %t.pokus; tar xpfz %f -C %t.pokus; mv 
%t.pokus/[a-zA-Z0-9]* %t"
% how to merge those 2 open-hooks?

That is, indeed, an interesting question.  You may not be able to merge
them, but you might be able to specify your open-hook patterns differently
to note the leading dot and act accordingly.  Something like

  open-hook ^\\..*\\.tar\\.gz$ ...
  open-hook \\.tar\\.gz$ ...

(or vice versa, and this is certainly untested) might work.

I wonder why it's necessary, though...  I haven't dug into it, but I
don't see why the %t.pokus and the mv are necessary.  What if you just
let tar extract to %t?

% this is good for reading archives
% how can i use close-hook and append-hook for tar.gz maildirs?

You can't use append-hook; tar doesn't support appending (or at least not
in any form that I've ever seen actually work, contrary to the promises
made by the -a switch).

Once we get the open-hook figured out, the close-hook should be easy
enough to tackle.

% -- 
% 5o   Peter.Mann at
%      KLFMANiK ICQ 12491471
%          PM2185-RIPE


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