Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 01/15/2002:
> Occasionally, I Cc an email and the recipient of the Cc assumes
> that the email is directed to them (and not just copied to them).
> Is it possible to add an attribution-like line similar to:
> This is a copy of an email sent to <main_recipient>
> Would be nice to have this for Bcc (and bounce)  as well.
> A related issue I am having in connection with my hack to have a
> copy of _all_ mails that I send interactively with mutt in a
> single folder.  I have this folder-hook:
> folder-hook . my_hdr X-outgoing: save
> But when I reply to an email (or forward, or bounce), then I do
> not get this header inserted as I want.

Can you get your editor to do it?  It sounds like that might be
the right place for it to happen.


What is ideology but the rationalisation of a vested interest?

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